Monday, August 22, 2011

Pretty Is As Pretty Does

This line from 14th century literature which was used extensively in Home Economics classes in the mid-1960s to teach us manners. Or mannerisms. What brought this to mind is feelings I have over reading that my grandchildren, at least a couple of them anyway, are looking for 'relationships' in life, not just one night stands.  Or one week stands...whatever is the norm for 'stands' these days. I'm not sure they could define what is meant by a relationship. The definition of 'relationship' sure has changed over the last few decades. I think what they mean is that they are looking for validation. Someone to see that yet undiscovered by another human being specialness they have. Their wow factor. Remember The Partridge Family with Florence Henderson and Robert Reed? My son watched reruns of that show over and over in the early 80s. It's popularity along with other similiar shows was probably partly because the interpersonal relationships and the validation they gave one another. They talked out loud instead of sending each other typed messages. Each one was unique with their own voice, their own mannerisms, their own strengths and weaknesses. They each had their own wow factor. Texting, profane music, hooking can my granddaughter's quirky sense of humor shine through this? Or my grandson's sensitivity in one on one situations?  As a politician said "never let a crisis go to waste". This inability for the unique personality to shine through in today environment is definitely a crisis I think. Younger people are feeling it. I hope they don't let it go to waste and that they find a solution. I hope they realize that "pretty is as pretty does" and everyone is still looking for it even if they don't know it. Wow.

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