Friday, April 27, 2012

Today We Planted Our Dahlias

We'd first like to say 'thank you so much' to Mary St George. Her comment left on our first post about planting Dahlias and  the fabulous link to the Facebook page devoted to Dahlias is an amazing resource! We planted them today in our pots using the suggestions found in these links and the advice from The American Dahlia Society's website.

Our first question was 'there seems so many tubers for each plant'. We found the answer to be yes, it is okay and we can think about dividing them in the coming years. Our next question was 'they have already sprouted in the bag! Is this a good thing?' The answer to that question was that can happen, just plant them accordingly. Don't bury the sprouts when potting them. After planting them, we took them outdoors where we will move them from back of the house to the front each day, making sure they get their 8 hours of required sunshine. To water thoroughly, we followed the suggestion of using a misting bottle. This doesn't wash to the sides the soil that covers each tuber.

1 comment:

  1. Oh is a lot of work..but I am sure the flowers that come will be well worth it..and you have to move to the front to the back they are traveling Dahila's ..
