Monday, August 1, 2011

Big and Little

I read an article in the news the other day that ONLY 30% of 10th graders can put the following in order according to size: United States, North America, California, Los Angeles. I think this is more a commentary on the times then it is on a teacher's ability these days. At least I think they still teach geography.

Back in the middle of the 20th century, they had these big pull down maps that took up almost the entire blackboard space. Anyone who was around at that time and in school might remember how they would suddenly snap and roll up on their own volition scaring the begeebers out of the teacher and kids in class. At that time, we were totally reliant on paper products. Paper maps, paper bound books, paper to figure out our name it,  if we used it in school it involved paper. This led us who came from that day and age the marvelous ability to recognize states, countries, etc. simply by their outline!

The kids of today....which include my own 40 year old kid...don't know what they are missing. They find their way around with 'turn by turn' directions on their smart phones, or someone urging them over their GPS to 'slow down for a left hand turn in exactly 100 feet'. On the other hand, they can find their way around and I can't. If it isn't written on a 8x11" piece of paper, I just don't get it. 

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes I do remember those pull down maps..yes....and I also have to have things written down..even though one Christmas Ted bought me a GPS...I still don't use it. I like written instructions...if you loose signal..boom you are lost..and that happens at times...I think that happened to Jess one time in New Hampshire..relying on a GPS...Things are so different nowadays..see back to school ads on TV and they feature little ones going back to school with laptops...ok...I can see high school..but these are little think we thought those hand held calculators were such a BIG deal when we were able to get those...YET in high school..we were NOT allowed those...made us did..and use our own skills not a little tiny machine, to do multiplications. I also feel the COMPUTER...did open so much to everyone all over the world..but are were going to come to an era were we don't write or talk..we only text and email..loose the verbal communication ability as humans..oh oh ..Planet of the APES..comes to my mind...
